Speak to us of the Ascension…
Many of you speak of ascension, but do you actually know what this ascension truly is? Ascension is the need, not the want, to lift above where something currently resides. It has been written about in many holy books, with the knowledge of the times in which it was written. This is not to say the information you have been given is not correct, it is to inform you that it is only a fraction of what ascension can be in your time. The Host of Angels is already here; the Ascended Christ is already here. There is no more waiting. But, the ‘Here’ of your promises is this planet and this time, not some mystical place you must leave to reach. Your ascension is a spiritual actuality that transcends both the physical and the mental now encompasses all of who you have become in these times. The ‘rising up to’ is not a place that seems impossible to achieve, but a place of higher consciousness you are fully capable of reaching within yourself.
The “Rising of the Multitude” was seen on what you know as 9/11. These souls were the awakening of the host of souls that opened the doorway to all souls achieving ascension. This is what you have been watching for in the same way that you have been taught to watch for the ‘second coming of The Christ.’ Again, we say, the information has been correct, but it is more than what you have been shown.
The Christ has been among you for the last two decades. Each of you who have sought and achieved enlightenment, has embraced The Christ Within. You each have always had the capacity to be The Christ Consciousness; there has never been a separation from you and The Christ…you Are. This expansion of consciousness planetary souls have developed has made it clear for the Guardians and the God-Head to enlist your aid in the ascension process. You are, and have been for some time, so much more than you envision yourself to be.
Each enlightened planetary being is aiding in the molecular rising of the Planet, That means each animal, each plant, each tree, each drop of water and ion of air you breathe, each human still needing assistance is being aided by the pods of Enlightened Beings on earthly assignment. When you was able to transcend the survival make-up of ancient planetary culture and thought, your soul lifted up to the call for higher vibration that can meet the voluntary structure of the internal composition of the planet as its core spins faster and its poles connecting the axis re-engage magnetically with the celestial vibration of ascension as it is seen from ‘above.’ Your individual enlightenment meets and raises any past enlightenment to meet the newer vibrations. And as you change the planet changes; as the planet changes you change; as you and the planet change the vibration rises and ascension is taking place…not as observers of the planet and its inhabitants, but as fully conscious participants ascending.
Do not postpone your enlightenment; do not postpone and wait for ‘the coming’ of anything. Participate as fully actualized and conscious souls that you each are, and have been, from before time began.
We love you,
St. Germaine and the Healing Council of Light
Ashanti Lavanthia