Speak to us of…
Winter summer, times of extremes. These are the times of limitation and possibilities you are undergoing. Watch the moon to see the constant changes. There is no thing that stays the same in your world. There is no thing that stays the same in the universe.
Your honesty with yourself will indicate the honesty, or lack of honesty, that you see in your world. The time to be fully honest is now. There is never a better time to see the truth and reflect such as it is now. What you are observing in all the world is just this. Those that are honest and those that are still hiding. While you may not like or feel comfortable with what you are observing, the truth is that each of you is being given the opportunity to find your truth. Honesty, or dishonesty, is abundant and possible. This honesty is opening all avenues of seeing your truth. Your truth either for what it is, or what it is not.
What you are seeing in your political arenas are just this; finding the truth. It is time for your country to open its eyes to what has been hidden. It is time for the people to open their eyes to what has been hiding. When a people hide the truth behind untruths many suffer. Then the truth must be to look at who is suffering. When you do not look to who is suffering, then all may be made to suffer so as to know what is the condition of suffering. Hiding behind untruths limits great abundance from the universe. Finding your truth opens the doors to universal abundance. Why then, do so many hide behind the fears of the small ego and avoid the truth beneath the sufferings?
We are among you to ease your pain and to help you to be aware of the truth so that your teachings are not as harsh as they may surely be. Call upon the masters, your guides, your spiritual teachers and ask to be shown your lessons in a timely and gentle fashion. In this way, you will continue to grow and to reach enlightenment. Suffering is not necessary in the universe, honesty is necessary. Untruths are not necessary in the universe, truths are necessary. Be of an open mind, an enlightened mind and do all you can to assist those that would also seek to know their truth.
Blessings In Light,
Lord Melchizedek
I have been thinking about spiritual integrity and then I find this. There are no accidents. Thank you, Melchezideck Thank you, Patricia!
“Funny” how when we are contemplating, the Resonate arises to meet us.