Speak to us of current world energies…
You perceive your world as speeding up. It is not your world that is speeding up but your awareness of all that is happening in your world that you are more-and-more aware of. Everything is completely interconnected. We have spoken of this is relation to seeing your brother as yourself. Now, you must extend that concept that you know to be true into all areas of your world.
As each person becomes aware of the energies around them, they are noticing the ‘loudness’ of their world/environment. Where you were once only aware of your family and friends, now your world has shrunken down even as it has expanded. You have been aware of the feelings of your family, and the feelings of your friends. This is expected because you are vibrating at the same frequencies of these you know. With a more expanded awareness of your world, the frequencies have become louder and more easily registered within your aura.
While you watch the news, and see the violence on the other side of the planet, the emotions and energies of what you see are traveling toward you even before you have turned on your TV. It is now vitally important to be aware of your own energy field so that you understand the energy that is uniquely you. This awareness will allow you to notice when an outside energy has entered your field. Consider again what you are hearing or watching and know that even without seeing or hearing of the energies half way around the world, your field is receiving wave after wave of energy moving through it.
Even if you have protected yourself from outside stimulation, and ‘the news’, your field is feeling the resonance of these earthly changes; be they political, or emotional; passive or violent. The humanity that you are attached to through your human DNA is, and always will be, connected to you. You are your brother and he is you. There is no separation from this fact.
Your presence in the world energy grid is to practice what you have been studying for so long. It is of vital importance at this time for you to strengthen your energy field; strengthen your spiritual practice. Do not try to escape the energies, but instead, contribute to the energies in a positive way. Create the balance. If your field can experience the thoughts, and emotions half a world away, the same is then true for those on the other side of the world. The stronger your energy field, the strong your spiritual practice, the more open your mind to celestial awareness…the more your imprint of what can be will travel to those that are as yet unaware of another way of being.
So saying, we are showing you the way to consciously and positively make changes of Light upon the planet rather than allowing the balance to go out of alignment. Remember each time you are seeing the news, or hearing of sadness, you are being given the opportunity to be the news beneath the news. Remember that even though you are not always being shown the light, it is still here all the time. Do not rely so much on what you are being shown or told, but on what you already know within yourself. You are the Light, and as such so are all your brothers and sisters, and so is the consciousness on your planet.
Go in peace…