Spirit Speaks has been channeled by Patricia A Bankins since 1998. In that time, she has asked and answered questions about a multitude of topics. This month, Patricia, St. Germaine and the Healing Council of Light are answering questions asked by our readership. If you have a question for Spirit, we invite you to ask it. Perhaps your question will be featured in an upcoming installation of Spirit Speaks! Q & A from the Spirit Speaks blog will be answered as we can. Not all questions will be answered publicly.
Q: I feel I have no purpose. I pray for guidance and feel I am not answered. I feel lost in the linear. Any suggestions?
When you pray for guidance and still feel you have no answer or resolute purpose it is because you are praying, but not calming yourself down enough to listen. Yes, we know you think you are listening, but your mind is so anxious it is creating excessive static that interferes with any wisdom you may be receiving.
Wisdom and inspiration flow not only into you from your guides, but through you from your higher self. There is unnecessary information that comes to you when you are not making time to listen and this is from your ego; the demands and fears of the ego are vast. It is unfortunate that so many of you ask for help (through prayer) but do not make the time to calmly listen to the answers you are then filled with. Fear in the manifestation of worry, anxiety, and arrogance, are all forms of distraction and automatic interference of wisdom and divine guidance.
You use your families, your jobs, your entertainments as ways to create distractions that you can place importance upon. We see all these as distractions from your spiritual needs and karmic growth. We understand that you have physical world needs that surround these distractions, but when they take precedence over your spiritual growth then they become more than worldly needs and move into the realm of distractions of the physical.
Rather than praying for guidance and then moving into worry, affirm that the next song you hear on the radio will give you guidance, or affirm that you are already in the solution for what you seek. You have forgotten that you are a powerful spiritual being…you acknowledge this idea, but do not choose to believe it…and can create what you want. You have forgotten to see what is possible rather than to remember what you have lost. You have forgotten that the world needs you to participate in it – by helping others – rather than complaining that it is not how you thought it should be.
Your purpose then can change to how to move out of what is not and move into how you can create what can be – not for yourself, but for others. Find a place to assist those that have even less than you. Even if it is for one hour a day, it will begin to take you out of your own mind and place you into community. We have said many time that creating community, being part of something greater than yourself and helping others to fulfill their dreams, and will create the dreams in you.
We have also said, that if humanity is truly going to move into the 21st century, it must do so as a community not as an individual. The karmic glitch is that the current generations has overcoming individuality as its over-soul lesson. There is much to be accomplished for you all.
We love you, …..
St. Germaine and the Healing Council of Light
Ashanti Lavanthia
Q: Will my husband *** stay moving forward with *** after our divorce?
Yes. There is karma connecting this relationship, as there is still unfinished karma between you and he. We have spoken before of interlocking karma and how it can be postponed, but not eliminated. Even though he moves on, and you change positions, the karmic lesson must still be resolved in order for there to be ultimate freedom in a lifetime. He has chosen to pursue this movement by giving it a different look or appearance, but the lesson of the karma will still need its answer.
We love you, …..
St. Germaine and the Healing Council of Light
Ashanti Lavanthia