Spirit Speaks: May 2003

How Can We Handle Stress & Fear? By staying in love within yourself. This is the only way to truly know that all is well with your world and the universe at this time. Most of you are trying to maintain your equilibrium as the world tilts on its emotional axis. Do not forget that … Continue reading Spirit Speaks: May 2003

Spirit Speaks: April 2003

Tell Us of Alchemy… You are in the process of true alchemy now. There is no greater time to add to consciousness than during times of great change and seeming upheaval. Alchemy is the process of changing one form into another without losing the integrity of the original. Alchemy is not found and used only … Continue reading Spirit Speaks: April 2003

Spirit Speaks: August 2002

Speak to us of raising the planetary vibrations… You may raise the planet’s vibration by raising your own vibration. What is vibration? It is the electro-magnetic frequency that inherently speaks to all other vibrational beings… the trees, the animals, the birds, the water, the rocks and earth, the wind, other human beings and the spirit … Continue reading Spirit Speaks: August 2002

Spirit Speaks: June 2002

Speak to us of the upcoming earth changes… The Earth is changing all the time. You do not notice how much nor how often. Your conception of change is limited to hours, days, years. The Earth has no limitations, no restrictions. She is able to move, shift and alter at will, sometimes over seconds and … Continue reading Spirit Speaks: June 2002