Spirit Speaks: June 2016

Speak to us of the inequality of people… You speak to us of nonsense and what is; you speak to us of nonsense and what isn’t. Your world has long forgotten the meaning of what should be and what should not. Your world has long focused on what is non-essential rather than what is truly … Continue reading Spirit Speaks: June 2016

Spirit Speaks: May 2016

Be ready for changing everything in your life. Can you do that? Can you remove all that you know and place yourself in the path of total change? This is the expression of the world right now. Everything is readying itself for total transformation. What is holding it off is the resistance from souls that … Continue reading Spirit Speaks: May 2016

Spirit Speaks: April 2016

Speak to us of… Winter summer, times of extremes. These are the times of limitation and possibilities you are undergoing. Watch the moon to see the constant changes. There is no thing that stays the same in your world. There is no thing that stays the same in the universe. Your honesty with yourself will … Continue reading Spirit Speaks: April 2016