Spirit Speaks: July 2012

Speak to us of the Ascension… Many of you speak of ascension, but do you actually know what this ascension truly is? Ascension is the need, not the want, to lift above where something currently resides. It has been written about in many holy books, with the knowledge of the times in which it was … Continue reading Spirit Speaks: July 2012

Spirit Speaks: June 2012

Guest Channel: Ayamanatara Speak to us of the coming changes… We have been talking about global paradigm shift on a revolutionary scale. We are not sure we are being understood. The opportunity has arrived for EVERYTHING to change, and everything will change. The question becomes merely one of how. Will the general population gather their … Continue reading Spirit Speaks: June 2012

Spirit Speaks: May 2012

Speak to us of the Universal Plan… Your lives are not your own. They belong to the Universe. This is not to discount that you are the “masters of your own ship,” it is to correct any ideas that you are doing everything alone. You are part of an enormous Universal Plan of creation. Always … Continue reading Spirit Speaks: May 2012

Spirit Speaks: April 2012

This month’s Spirit Speaks is guest-channeled by Ayamanatara Channel: “What’s going on? What would you have us know?” The crescendo of the current pattern that you are in will come in the beginning of summer. There will come a moment when, if you are on this planet, you will have to stand in your Truth. … Continue reading Spirit Speaks: April 2012

Spirit Speaks: March 2012

Speak to us of taking care of ourselves… As your reality continues to appear to speed-up, you are finding less and less time to take care of your self. You are constantly engaged in how much there is to do for others… for your families, your friends and co-workers. Your perception of what needs to … Continue reading Spirit Speaks: March 2012