Spirit Speaks: October 2010

Speak to us of the new DNA transformations… As the universes are transforming their configuration, so too, you are transforming how your body implements Light and Energy from both your planet and interplanetary mechanics. Not all humans are experiencing the DNA changes that are happening among you now. These changes are taking place in those … Continue reading Spirit Speaks: October 2010

Spirit Speaks: July 2010

Speak to us of Planetary Changes… One of you stated, “we can do this together, or we can do this alone.” From our perspective, you are all in these planetary changes together. None of you may omit yourself from the changes to come, not the changes that you are seeing. We truly see what is … Continue reading Spirit Speaks: July 2010

Spirit Speaks: June 2010

Speak to us of Fathers… You are your father’s child. No matter the strength (or weakness) of your fraternal parent, you are the energy of this person. You are two halves made into one form, masculine and feminine energy. These two parts allow you to awaken to the core of your True Self. The father … Continue reading Spirit Speaks: June 2010

Spirit Speaks: May 2010

Speak to us of Mothers… Mothers love you. This is a broad statement that we make and one entirely of the Truth. We see mothers as the generous souls that they are. You may see them from only an Earthly perspective. Seen from either view…mothers love you. It is the roll they have undertaken in … Continue reading Spirit Speaks: May 2010