Live & on Zoom
October 5 ~ November 16
7:30 – 9:00PM
This seven-week course of discovery and insight is an extension of the beloved Crystal Chronicles, Level One Course, Crystals Unveiled will allow students to garner mineral information and intuitive skills that can lead into a path of long term crystal healing and enlightenment.
All will be addressed in each session!
Learning about crystals and minerals is not only fun but a great way to enlarge your knowledge about the crystals you already have in your collection as well as any you may be interested in adding.
Each mineral or crystal has unique compositional properties and uses. They each can support, and educate the user to what is possible by being part of this vast body of knowledge. Whether you just want to know more about the crystals in your pocket or on your bookshelf, or whether you want to delve deeper into how the crystals can benefit your life, this course is for you.
Each class may be taken individually, but completion of the entire series will enable the student to attend the TranCrystal Therapy Laying-on-of=stones Healing Course. Taught from a shamanic perspective, classes will build on personal insights, long held psychological and therapeutic beliefs and traumas (including ancestral overlays) and basic information about the deep held mineral kingdom.
Course completion required for TCT – Series II study and a TransCrystal Therapy Therapist certification.
October 5 ~ Protection Stones
October 12 ~ Creativity Stones
October 19 ~ Power Stones
October 26 ~ Psychic Power & Magic Stones
November 2 ~ Abundance Stones
November 9 ~ Balance & Focus Stones
November 16 ~ Love Stones
COST: $35.00 per class session