First Thursdays, monthly
In person: The Crystal Matrix | 3215 Glendale Blvd | Atwater Village
Intuition is a personal experience that we utilize in our world. We use it to maneuver in groups, we use it while driving, we use our known, and unacknowledged, intuitive skills on a daily basis. We use them for protection, we use them for guidance and to guide our “gut-feelings”.
What are your skills?
How do you use them? Have you had these skills as a child, or did they develop as you’ve grown into adulthood? We each have these natural skills and they only need be encouraged and gently developed.
This class provides an opportunity for anyone interested in personal intuitive work, the intuitive process, seeing with the mind’s eye and developing personal skills more fully. Join in a safe environment for seeking information and asking questions. The class is based on the attendees interests each month. Bring your curiosity and an open mind and have your questions answered and a teaching created around you.
This class uses exercises in learning to trust who you are and how your daily experiences can be sacred, guided, practical, spiritual encounters. We will use meditations, imagery, altar work, assorted divination tools, crystals, energy healing and aura development to support these teachings as time allows.